Friday, May 28, 2021

Acupoints for Knee Pain.


- Kidney deficiency: Knees are influenced by kidney energy. Pain is usually bilateral and develops are gradually over a long period of time. Knees feel weak and possibly cold. These type of pains are not affected by weather and knees wouldn't be swollen. 

- Pathogenic factors: Pain is more often unilateral and starts suddenly. Its is definitely affected by weather, usually worse in rainy weather, knee may be swollen. 

- Local Stagnation of Qi and blood from over use of joint.


Distal points:

Sp5, Gb40, St41 

Local points:


St34. - It removes the obstruction from the channel.


Pain in this area affects the Gallbladder and Stomach channel. It is usually associated with stiffness of the knee and difficulty in bending. 

Local points can be use: St36, GB 34, GB33


Pain in this area affects the Spleen and Liver channel. 

Local points:- Sp9, Liv7, Liv8.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Liver Blood Deficiency


- Slight hypochondrial pain and distenion.

- Insomnia.



- Premenstrual tension.

-Tingling of limbs.

- Blurred vision .

- Scanty period or  amenorrhea.

- Tiredness.

- Depression.

Tongue - pale and thin

Pulse- Choppy or fine.

Acupoints can be used:-

St36, Sp6, Ren4, liv8- Nourish the liver blood.

Liv14, Gb34, liv3- move the liver blood.

P6- moves the liver Qi and calm the mind.

Damp Heat in Liver and Gallbladder


-Dull hypochondrial pain with fullness .


-Feeling of heaviness. 

-Stisky taste.

- Yellow sclera. 

- Dark urine

Tongue:- Sticky yellow tongue.

Pulse- slippery and rapid.

Acupoints to be used:-

GB34- Moves Liver Qi and resolve the damp heat.

Li11, sp9- Resolve damp heat.

Ub19, Gb24- clear heat and resolve Dampness from Gallbladder. 

Ub20 , Cv12- tonify the Spleen to resolve Dampness. 

Liver Blood Stasis

 Liver blood Stasis-


-Stabbing and fixed hypochondrial pain which is worse at night.

- feeling of mass on palpation. 

Tongue:- Purple

Pulse:- Choppy


Gb34- Main point for hypochondrial pain and distention, it helps to move liver Qi.

P6- It indirectly moves Liver Qi and liver blood.

Tw6- It helps to move Liver Qi from hypochondrial region.

Liv3- Moves Liver Qi and calm the mind.

Sp10 and UB17 :-  Helps to move the blood.

Liv14 and Ub18:-  Help to move Qi and blood.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Stomach yin deficiency


- Dull epigastric pain.

- dry mouth .

- dry throat .

- dry stool.

- desire to sip liquid. 

- Slight nausea. 

Tongue:- normal colour, no coating, dry, crack in the centre of tongue.

Pulse- floating - empty (right middle position)

Point can be used:-

Ren12, st36 and sp6  to nourish stomach Yin.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Statis of blood in the stomach.

 Statis of blood in the stomach is often associated with statis of liver blood.


- Stabbing epigastric pain worse with pressure and after eating. 

- palpable masses in the epigastrium.

- vomiting dark blood.

- dark complexion. 

- may be blood in stools.

- pain may be worse at night. 

Tongue:- Purple,  only in the centre. 

Pulse- Choppy, or firm or wiry.

Acupoints :-

Ren10, St22, St34, Sp10, Ub17, Sp4, P6, UB18. (Reducing method).

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Stomach heat

 Stomach heat:


- Burning epigastric pain. 

- irritability.

- sour regurgitation. 

- thirst.

Tongue:- Dry, yellow coating.

Pulse:- slightly rapid, overflowing in the middle position (Right side)


Avoid excessive consumption of spicy food,alcohol, lamb etc.

Point to be used:-

St21: it is best for all excess pattern of stomach

St44:  clear Stomach heat.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Poor Memory

 In TCM poor memory depends on the state of Spleen, Kidney and Heart.

Spleen houses the intellect, memory, memory in the sense of memorisation and concentrating. Excessive thinking and pensiveness can injure the Spleen , that will affect on our memory. 

Kidney houses the will power and influences the brain since Kidney essence produces brain marrow which nourishe the Brain.

Kidney is responsible for memory in the sense of memorisation of Everyday events, name, faces etc.

Heart controls memory because it houses the mind . Heart is responsible for memory of long past events. 

Causes : -

1) Spleen deficiency:-

Symptoms - 

-Inability to concentrate and study.

- poor memory 

- tiredness 

- poor appetite 

Tongue- Pale

Pulse- weak

Treatment- Tonify Spleen and strengthen the intellect. 

Points:- St36, sp3, Du20, Ub15, Du14, Ub20, Ub49.

2) Kidney Essence deficiency:-


- Poor memory 

- Dizziness 

- weak knees and back 

- tinnitus 

Tongue:- pale or red ( according to whether kid Yang or yin)

Pulse:- Deep and fine

Treatment:- Tonify Kidney,  Nourish essence and marrow, strengthen memory.

Points:- K.3, Ren4, Ub23, Ub52, Ub15, Du20

3) Heart deficiency:- 


-Poor memory of past events.

- Forgetting Names.

- Absent minded. 

- Palpitation 

- Slight Breathlessness on exertion. 

- Tiredness. 

Tongue:- crack in Heart area, pale or red.

Pulse:- Weak


Tonify the Heart,  strengthen the mind and memory. 

Points:- H5, Ub15, Ub44, Ren6, Du14, St40, Ren14.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Phlegm- Fire

 Phlegm- Fire:-


- Irregular eating habit.

- Worry and pensiveness knots the Qi(vital energy) and after a long time, the impaired Qi movement lead to the formation of phlegm.

- The knotted Qi(vital energy) easily turns into Fire after long time, they may lead to the formation of more phlegm. 


- Phlegm fire mist and agitates the mind. 

- mental confusion. 

- poor memory.

- Dizziness. 

- Total mental confusion with loss of insight.( in severe cases).

- Mental restlessness.

- Insomnia. 

- A flushed feeling in the chest.

- Anxiety 

- Manic behaviour ( In severe cases).

Affect of Phlegm Fire on heart causes mental confusion and mists the mind.

Affect of Phlegm Fire on Gallbladder causes Insomnia.

Monday, March 8, 2021



Nature of heat:

- Conditions are described as hot , Inflammatory, exacerbated by hot weather. 

- Represents an overactive metabolic process which can result in hypertension, hypothyroidism, ulcers,  skin rashes, colitis, Inflammed arthritic joint.

Main clinical Manifestations:- 

-Feeling of heat.

- Cracked lips.

- Sore throat.

- very thirsty.


-  Scanty Urination.

- Constipation 

Tongue- Dry crack.

Pulse- Rapid.


Fire is an extreme form of Heat.

- Fire moves upwards towards the head.

- It is expansive- outward moving.

- Fire damages the blood,  making it reckless. 

- It disturb Shen, Disturb the mind and can cause manic symptoms. 

- Fire is Yang in nature, causes hemorrhages.

- It dries body fluid.

- Depletes Vital energy.



- Crave for coldness.

- Flush complexion. 

- Bitter taste, thirst, severe headache, mouth ulcers,  bleeding gums,  red eyes.

- Scanty dark Urination, constipation.

- Insomnia 

- Anxiety, Mental agitation, Manic behaviour.

Tongue:- Red body , and yellow coating .

Pulse- Full and Rapid



-Night sweat.

- Feeling heat in the chest.

- Feeling heat in palm and soles.

- Red cheeks.

- Dry mouth. 


Tongue- Red peeled, or geographic coat.

Pulse- Rapid, floating- Empty.



-Wind is the carrier of disease,it brings thousands of disease. Wind is associated with Spring season, wood element and with organ Liver.

-Wind is Yang in nature tends to move place to place.

- Wind causes rapid changes in signs and symptoms of disease. 

- Wind can cause tremors, Paralysis, Twitching.

- Wind affects mostly top part of the body. And affects Lungs first.

- It also affects the skin causing itching mostly in spring season.


Wind always affects the liver. 

Main clinical manifestations:- 

- Tremor

- Quacking

- Spasm

- Dizziness

- Stiffness

- Paralysis

- Stroke

- Stiff neck with flu.

- Parkinsons disease

- Seizure 

- Shaking from anger.

Tongue- Shaking, or stiff or red.

Pulse- Wiry.


-Excess fire affects the liver, and fire creates wind.

-High fever can also cause wind.

-Poison, Toxins, Radiation can cause wind.

- Alcohol, Drugs


External wind always affects the Lungs.

Clinical manifestation:-

Sneezing, cough, aversion to wind and cold, runny nose, occipital stiffness, Itchy throat.

Tongue- No changing 

Pulse- floating

एक्युप्रेशर बिन्दु पर दबाव देने का तरीका।

 This article is by Dr. Ravi Ram Prajapati (MBBA): दबाव देने का तरीका:- हाथ- पाँव के हथेली एवं तलवों के बिन्दुओ पर हल्का दबाव देना चाहिए। अं...