Thursday, September 24, 2020
Friday, September 18, 2020
Acupressure points for high Blood Pressure and low Blood Pressure
High blood pressure:
High blood pressure ( RaktaVata) is also called hypertension. The main cause according to Ayurveda is vitiation of Vata. This then leans towards the arterial hardening, narrowing and congestion ( Vata can dry up moisture in blood.
The symptoms commonly associated with high blood pressure are related to the Liver and Kidney. Acupressure is effective in controlling mild and moderate cases of hypertension without serious complications.
Give pressure on given Acupoints.
Acupressure points are:-
Caution: If blood pressure is very high , do not use Liv3. An abrupt fall in blood pressure may occur.
Monday, September 14, 2020
The five Elements are:
According to the traditional medicine , there are five Elements in heaven, as also on earth. These five elements are related in two cyclic sequence which are:-
1. Generative cycle
2. Destructive cycle
Generative cycle (Sheng cycle)
In generative cycle Fire is fed by Wood; the ashes which form becomes the earth; Metal is formed in the Earth; Water springs from Metal( fluidity arises from the solid state); and Water nourishes trees which become Wood. Thus completing the generative cycle.
Destructive cycle (Ko cycle)
In destructive cycle Fire melts Metal; Metal cuts Wood; Wood covers the Earth; and the Earth dams Water. Thus completing the destructive cycle.
The 5 Elements are therefore not independent entities but exist in an intimate relation to each Elements which governs and is governed by another Element.
The Five Elements may refer not to five material substance but to five characteristics namely:
Wood- solidity and ease of workability;
Fire- Combustion and development of heat
Earth- fertility
Metal- fusibility
Water- fluidity.
The theory of the five elements basically explains the interpromoting, inter-acting, over acting and counter-acting relationships among them. Its application to traditional medicine is classifying into diffrent categories, natural phenomena plus the tissues and organs of the human body and human emotions interpreting the relationship between the physiology and pathology of the human body and the natural environment with the laws of inter-promoting, over-acting and counter-acting of the five elements. This theory is used as a guide in medical practice.
WATER- The water is that quality in nature which describe as soaking and descending.
That which soaks, drips and descends causes SALTINESS.
FIRE- Fire is that quality in nature which describe as BLAZING AND UPRISING.
That which rises up generates BITTERNESS.
WOOD- Wood is that quality in nature which permits of curved surface or straight edges.
That which of curved surfaces or straight edges give SOURNESS.
METAL- Metal is that quality in nature which can flow the form of a mould and then become hard.
That which can flow the form a mould and then become hard, produce ACIDITY.
EARTH- Earth is tha quality in nature which permits of sowing and reaping.
That which permits of sowing, growth and reaping, gives rise to SWEETNESS.
The Five elements are gradually came to be associated with every conceivable category of phenomena in the universe which it was possible to classify in fives.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Energy Channels
Channels/Meridians or Nadis:- Lines drawn more or less vertically on the body surface connecting acupuncture points having similar therapeutic properties.
The 14 major channels (nadis) are considered most important in our body. These major channels are distribured over the entire human body, which allow vital energy(prana) to flow. These channels, having great therapeutic value are found close to skin, connecting with major organ internally and externally with tissues where the the pressure points are located. These pressure points have low resistance.
By needling, heating or massaging the pressure points ( marmas or vital points) , a therapeutic effects can be achieved not only in local area but also in organs which are related to these channels.
These channels carry vital energy (Prana) in one form or another as it moves around the body. The channels are also vehicles for the three humors, VATA, PITTA AND KAPHA. When a channels's energy flow is impaired, this can cause a similar blockage in the flow of the body fluids like blood , lymph etc.
The channels carrying Vital energy (Prana) cannot normally be seen, since they carry invisible energy, much like electricity.
The 14 important channels are:-
1) Governer channel
2) Conception channel
3) Lung channel
4) Large intestine channel
5) Stomach channel
6) Spleen channel
7) Heart channel
8) Small intestine channel
9) Urinary Bladder channel
10) Kidney channel
11) Pericardium Channel
12) Sanjiao channel
13) Gall Bladder channel
14) Liver channel
The Governer and Conception channels do not relate to a specific organ but have a relared effects on an area.
The Conception channel controls childbirth and the reproductive system. The 12 major organ channels can be divided into two types:- 1) Those which are related to solid organs(like- The heart ) . 2) Those which are related to the hollow organs (like -The large intestine).
The solid organ channels are always located along the inside of the limbs, while the hollow organ channels are always located along the outside or external aspect of the limbs.
Friday, September 4, 2020
Solid Organs And Hollow Organs
एक्युप्रेशर बिन्दु पर दबाव देने का तरीका।
This article is by Dr. Ravi Ram Prajapati (MBBA): दबाव देने का तरीका:- हाथ- पाँव के हथेली एवं तलवों के बिन्दुओ पर हल्का दबाव देना चाहिए। अं...
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