Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Kidney Channel.
Saturday, June 26, 2021
Sanjiao channel.
Sanjiao channel is also called Triple Warmer or Triple Burner.
Sanjiao means "Three Body Cavities ".
Some commonly used Acupoints on this channel:-
SJ2: clears the heat from head and face, red eyes, deafness, tinnitus, bleeding gums.
SJ 3: Temporal headache, any ear concern, sinus, ear blockage.
SJ4: Wrist pain.
SJ5: release exterior pathogens, arthritis of fingers.
SJ6: helps to move Qi in lower warmer, constipation, painful menstruation, hypochondriac pain.
SJ10: Local pain, Phlegm cough.
SJ14: shoulder pain.
SJ17: Bells palsy, trigeminal neuralgia.
SJ23: pacify internal wind, mania, Epilepsy.
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Pericardium is the protector of Heart.
Heart and the Pericardium are associated with the brain and its functions.
Polarity- Yin.
Number of points- 9.
Element- Fire.
Clinical uses :
- Disease along the course of the channel.
- Heart disease.
- Disorder of upper abdomen.
- Mental disorder.
Uses of Acupoints on the Pericardium channel:-
PC1 - any breast concern, rib pain, Palpitation, Cardiac pain, chronic cough, suffocation.
PC2: Cardiac pain, arm pain, chest pain, Palpitation.
PC3:- Hand tremors, cool the blood, clear heat from heart and blood, any skin condition, vomiting, Cardiac pain.
PC4:- remove blood Stagnation, Palpitation, Anxiety, Epilepsy, vomiting blood.
PC5:- alternating chills and fever, febrile disease, chest pain, phlegm in mind, manic depression, clear heat .
PC6:- Cammander point for heart and stomach, Calm shen, for any deep seated emotion, opens the chest, irritability, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, acid reflux, neck ache, numbness of arm.
PC7:- Local pain, calm shen, heart fire, phlegm fire, bad breath, febrile disease, BROKEN HEART.
PC8:- Clears heat, bad breath, Anxiety, cardiac pain.
PC9:- Fainting, fever, Cardiac pain, Palpitation, stiffness of tongue.
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Function of Small intestine channel
Functions of small Intestine organ:-
- Separate the essence from food and transport of waste to the Large Intestine.
Small Intestine channel:-
Polarity: Yang
Number of points- 19
Element:- fire
Clinical uses:-
- Disease along the course of the channel.
- Ear disorder.
- Eye disorder.
- stiff neck
- sore throat
- disorder of small Intestine.
- Breast disorder.
Clinical uses of Acupoints on Small Intestine channel:
SI 1 : For excess condition, heat in eyes/ear/nose.
Insufficient lactation .
SI3: Hand pain, lumber pain, discomfort in scapula, neck pain.
SI4 and SI5 - Wrist pain.
SI6: For acute pain along the pathway of channel.
SI8: Elbow pain.
SI9:- Shoulder pain, frozen shoulder.
SI11:- For any chest or breast concern, insufficient lactation.
SI17: sore throat.
SI19- Ear ache, ear infection, tinnitus, deafness.
एक्युप्रेशर बिन्दु पर दबाव देने का तरीका।
This article is by Dr. Ravi Ram Prajapati (MBBA): दबाव देने का तरीका:- हाथ- पाँव के हथेली एवं तलवों के बिन्दुओ पर हल्का दबाव देना चाहिए। अं...
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