1) Headache due to Qi deficiency-
- This headache is due to deficient Qi failing to reach the head.
- It can be due to deficiency of Qi of the Stomach, Spleen,Lung or Heart.
- It may be manifest in the whole head or Frequently on the forehead.
- This headache is alleviated by rest and aggravated by excessive work, It is worse in morning.
- There will be Tiredness, loose stools, poor appetite, slight Breathlessness, Palpitation, Breathlessness on exertion.
Tonify and Raise Qi.
Commonly used Acupoints-
Sp6,St36,Li4,Ren6, Du20
Sp6,St36,Ren6, Li4- Tonify and Raise Qi.
Du20- Raise Qi.
2) Headache due to Kidney deficiency-
- This headache is due to the deficient Kidney essence failing to reach the head and nourish the brain.
- This headache is experienced inside the brain and not in any specific place and it is accompanied by Dizziness and feeling of emptiness of the brain.
- It can be also occur on the occiput when Kidney deficiency affects the urinary bladder channel.
- This headache may occur after sexual activity.
- In case of Kidney Yang deficiency- Soreness of knees and lower back, feeling of cold, abundant pale Urination, pale tongue.
- In case of Kidney Yin deficiency- Dizziness, tinnitus, Soreness of lower back,feeling heat in the evening,red tongue without coating.
Tonify Kidney nourish marrow.
Commonly used Acupoints-
K3- Tonify both Kidney yin and Kidney yang.
Sp6,St36- Tonify Qi,yin,blood
Du20,Du17- Raise Qi, Nourish marrow.
GB19 - Attract Kidney essence upto brain.
Ren4- Nourish Kidney yin.
Ub23- Tonify Kidney yang.
Ub60,Ub10- Headache on occipital.
Ub7- best point for local pain.