Thursday, July 29, 2021


 Wrong and harmful living and eating habits cause weakening of the natural resistance power.

-Wrong habits of living and eating, irregular life, addiction, lack of physical activity, pollution and indiscriminate use of drugs are some of major factors which adversely affects the natural resistance of the body.

- When the natural resistance of the body gets weakened it cannot resist the invasion of diseases.

1) Wrong living and eating habits- This is the major factor responsible for ruining natural resistance power of the body. Indiscriminate use of spices, fried food, cold food, sweets throw the digestive system into disorder. The use of white flour is also increasing day by day. No care is taken to ensure whether the food items consumed by us are proper, good and nutritious for our health or not. Spicy food are consumed in large quantities and overeating causes a heavy burden on the digestive organs. Frequent meal also cause a damage to these organs. It is no way advisable to dump more food on the digestive system till the previous meal is not fully digested. 

2) Mental tension- In modern times complaint of mental tension appears to be a universal one. It is the product of the fast and complex modern life style. It has been proved by the finding of several experiments that, like addiction, mental tension too destroys vitamin deposits of our body. 

3) Lack of exercise- Today, a large section of the society leads sedentary life. In absence of adequate physical activity, the strengthen and the efficiency of the body are adversely affected. 

4) Irregular life- We are unable to observe proper and fixed timings for getting up, for taking meals or for retiring to bed. Television and mobile phones have worsened the situation. They keep us awake till late night and consequently our biological rhythm is disturbed. Our reflex action for answering natural calls stop functioning properly. As a result of this, faeces is not excreted properly and gets accumulated in the bowels. On one hand, a poison depot is thus piling up and on other hand, complaint of Indigestion continues to bother a person and generate a vicious cycle in the body. Finally our digestive system becomes weak. Weak digestive system in turn generates many diseases. 

5) Addiction- It is also responsible for ruining our natural resistance power. Frequent consumption of tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol, hemp, brown sugar, narcotic drugs and similar other stimulants items damage the natural resistance power to a considerable extent. Natural resistance power of the body depends heavily on the vitamins. Intoxicating items and stimulants destroy the vitamins depot in the body. 

6) Indiscriminate use of drugs and medicine- Excessive use of drugs and medicines suppress the natural resistance power of the body. First of all, a drug taken orally reaches the stomach, gets digested there and mixed with the blood after getting absorbed there. It then reaches out to every cell in the body through the medium of blood circulation. In this way it affects all the cells of our body. The natural resistance of the body depends on the white cells in the blood. The white cells are produced in the bone marrow. Drugs depress the bone marrow. 

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एक्युप्रेशर बिन्दु पर दबाव देने का तरीका।

 This article is by Dr. Ravi Ram Prajapati (MBBA): दबाव देने का तरीका:- हाथ- पाँव के हथेली एवं तलवों के बिन्दुओ पर हल्का दबाव देना चाहिए। अं...