Sunday, March 7, 2021

Lung channel.


Element- Metal 

Related organ- Large Intestine

Polarity: Yin

Number of points: 11


1. Regulates respiration. 

2. Governs the skin and body hair. 

3. All blood travels to the Lungs and then circulates. 

4. Opens to the nose.

5. Lungs are responsible for absorbing Qi from the air.

6. Controls the part of fluid metabolism which distributes the fluids to the skin.

7. Houses the corporeal soul.

8. Controls diffusion and descending action of Lungs.

Commonly used Acupoints on lung channel:

LU1: (DANGEROUS POINT)  For any lung problem, chest or shoulder pain, Lu1+P6 is the best combination for chest pain, bronchitis, bronchial asthma. 

LU5:(son point) for phlegm heat, local pain and swelling, arthritis of elbow, skin disease.

LU6: (Xi cleft point) used for local pain, bleeding nose, coughing blood, used in acute conditions such as acute attack of asthma, acute cough, acute rhinitis. 

LU7: Treats any lung problems, it is key and Commander point for head and neck, eliminate wind cold, use to quiet smoking habit.

LU9: Best point for lung Yin deficiency, use for arteries or vein concern, pulseless disorder, local pain.

LU10: for local pain, eliminate heat.

LU11: (Jing well point) revive consciousness, epileptic attack, cardiac arrest, eliminate heat from organ and channel, obstruction in chest, other acute emergencies.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Alarm Points

 Alarm points:- 

These are specific acupoints, which become tender in the disease of the related organ. Alarm points give warning of the presence, or the impending appearance of disease of the related organ. 

When the disease condition improves, the Alarm point becomes less tender.

These points are used for diagnosis and prognosis, as well as for therapy. 

There are 12 Alarm points are on the anterior aspect of the trunk. These are also called "Mu- Front" points.

There are also 12 Alarm points are on posterior aspect of the trunk. These are called "Back Shu" points.

These points can be used singly or in the combination of Mu-front and Back shu points of affected Organ.

Mu-front points are:-

Lung- Lu1

Pericardium- Ren17

Heart- Ren14

Lived- Liv14

Gallbladder- Gb24

Spleen- Liv13

Stomach- Ren12

Sanjiao- Ren5

Kidney- Gb25

Large Intestine- St25

Small intestine- Ren4

Urinary bladder- Ren3

Back-shu points:-

Lung- Ub13

Pericardium- Ub14

Heart- Ub15

Liver- Ub18

Gallbladder- Ub19

Spleen- Ub20

Stomach- Ub21

Sanjiao- Ub22

Kidney- Ub23

Large Intestine- Ub25

Small Intestine- Ub27

Urinary bladder- Ub28.

Some of Mu- Front points are shown in Image:-

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Jing Well Point.

 Jing well points:-

These are the distal- most points. There are 25 Jing well points. 

In hand- First point of the yang channel, and the last point of the Yin channels. 

In foot- first point of the Yin and the last point of the Yang channels. 

All Jing well points are situated near nails of the fingers or toes. ( Expect K.1) kidney 1.

K.1 (Kidney 1) is situated on the sole of foot.

These Jing well points are situated in the areas where there is close network of sensory nerves. Stimulation at Jing well points causes a heavy barrage of impulses to be generated, thereby resuscitating the patient in the emergency state.  The jing well points are also known as " Resuscitation point".


-The Jing well points treat acute emergencies such as :-

* Fainting 

* coma 

* Epilepsy 

* Convulsion 

* Cardiac arrest 

* Respiratory arrest 

Jing well points may be pressed or pricked to bleed.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Functions of Heart.


Related organ- Small Intestine 

Number of points - 9

Polarity: Yin

Element- Fire

Emotions- Joy

Dislike- Heat


1. Governs the blood and blood vessels. When the heart Qi is Vigorous, the blood will circulate normally in the blood vessels.

2. Heart manifests on the face. 

3. Controls the mind.

4. Opens into the tongue. Tongue is connected to Heart meridian internally and due to this connection Heart dominates the sense of taste and speech. 

When the function of Heart is normal then the tongue will be rosy, moist and lustrous and the sense of taste will be normal.

Disorder of Heart will reflect on the tongue.

Example:- Heart blood deficiency- pale tongue. 

Heart fire- Red tongue tip, ulcers on tongue.

Stagnation of blood- Dark, purplish tongue body. Purplish spot on the tongue. 

5. Heart controls the sweat.

6. If heart is weak then it will cause inability to fall sleep, disturbed sleep or excessive dreams. 

Commonly used Acupoints on Heart channel :-

H1:- Excessive sweating, local pain, shoulder pain, Palpitation. 

H3:- He sea point, so it affects the organ directly. Calm the shen, Transform phlegm, helps to clear heat, Golfer's elbow, numbness of upper limbs.

H5:- (Luo- connecting point) stammering, Aphasia,  hoarseness of voice.

H6: (Xi cleft point) It is used in acute condition, hot flashes, night sweating, Palpitations, severe depression. 

H7: it will treat deficiency as well as excess, heart blood deficiency, calm shen. 

H8: Clears heart fire.

H9: Jing well point, revive consciousness. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Function of Spleen.


Related organ- Stomach 

Element - Earth

Emotions- Worry, pensiveness , overthinking. 

Dislike- Damp

Functions of Spleen:-

1. Transformation and transportation :- Spleen extract the useful nutrients and Qi from the food and transport it in the  whole body. It also controls the transformation and transportation of fluids, the Spleen separates the pure and impure fluids. The pure fluids goes to the lungs for the distribution to the skin and the impure fluid goes to the Intestines and Kidney for further refinement.

If the transformation and transport function impaired then fluids will accumulate  and causing Edema.

2. Spleen controls blood. Its plays essential role in formation of blood. It also helps to keep the blood in the blood vessels. 

3. It controls the muscles and four limbs.

4. Spleen is also responsible for the taste. If the Spleen Qi is normal then the sense of taste will be good and lips will be moist.

5. Spleen manifests on the lips. 

6. Protect the organs from prolapse.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Function of Liver

Related organ- Gallbladder 
Element- wood
Emotions- Anger, irritability 

1. Maintains the free smooth flow of Qi in our body. If Qi is stagnant it can cause depression, sadness and oppression of the chest. If Qi is hyperactive it will cause restlessness, insomnia, dizziness, vertigo and headache. 
2. Liver assist the smooth flow of stomach and Spleen Qi.
3. It stores the blood.
4. It regulates the volume of blood in circulation. The blood regulation function influences the energy level in our body.
5. Liver function influences the energy of Ren mai and Chong mai meridian. 
6. It nourishes the tendons, ligaments and sinews. 
7. Liver blood nourishes the nails. If Liver blood is deficient there will be withered or deformed nails.
8. It the main organ that affects the eye and vision. Free movement of blood from liver nourishes and moisten the eye.
If the Liver blood is deficient then the vision will be  Blurred and eyes will be dry.
9. Controls the growth. 
10. Liver gives capacity to plan and ability to make decisions. 

Liver Qi Stagnation

 Symptoms of liver Qi Stagnation:-

1. Stressed 

2. Frustrated 

3. Very irritable 

4. Tension headache 

5. Tight shoulders 

6. Bloating

7. Constipation 

8. Unfinished feeling after bowel movements. 

9. Women may experience PMS with more bloating, waist tenderness and very moody.

10. Cold hands.

AcuPoints can be used:-




Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Uses of Acupoint LI 11 and St36 in Combination with other points.

LI 11:-
It clears heat from any part of body. 

Combination of LI 11 with other Acupoint to clear fire from diffrent organ:-
Liver fire-LI11+ liv2.
Heart fire- LI11+ H8.                          
Stomach fire-LI11+St44.
Kidney def. Fire- LI11 + K2
Lung heat- LI11+ LU10.

This point can be used as in Excess as well as in deficient condition.
This point regulate the middle jiao of body. Its also a great tonifier point. 
It hepls to build Qi and blood in middle jiao.

Combination of st36 with other points:-
Abdomen pain- St36+ Ren12.
Epigastrium pain- St36+ Ren12+Pc6 .
Tonify middle jiao- St36+ sp3.
Build immunity - St36 + Li10.
Prevent wind stroke- St36 + Gb39.
Strenghth wei Qi- St36 + Ub12.

( Wei Qi is the superficial defence energy of our body).

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Yin deficiency .

 Yin deficiency:-  It means too much heat in the body. 

Organs which can be affected by Yin deficiency:- 







Causes of Yin deficiency:-

- Prolonged cough. 

- Excessive perspiration. 

- Dehydration. 

-  High uses of electronic devices. 

- Sleeping too late.

Yin deficiency in Heart and Lung:


- Low grade Fever. 

- Dry mouth, Dry throat. 

- Sleeplessness. 

- Bad dreams .

- Anxiety.

- Palpitation. 

- Palm and feet feeling warm especially during night.

Yin deficiency in Spleen and stomach:

- constipation. 

- Lack of appetite. 

- Weight loss.

Yin deficiency in Liver and Kidney.:-

- Excessive dryness in the eyes.

- Floaters in the eye.

- Giddiness. 

- Excessive perspiration especially at night-

- Lower back pain.

- Reduced period flow.

- Hot flashes.

Health tips:- 

- Eat less spicy food and deep fried food 

- Less coffee. 

- Sleep earlier  

- Exercise moderately. 

- Give pressure and massage to acupoint Sp6.

- Take green beans soup. 

- Practice yoga and Meditation. 

- Drink adequate water daily.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Yang Deficiency.

Yang deficiency: 
Yang deficiency means a body has enter in very cooling state.

Causes of Yang def.:-
- Excessive consumption of cold or cooling food.
- Untreated chronic condition.
- Hereditary .
- Excessive sexual intercourse. 

Organs which are more affected by Yang deficiency are:-

- Heart
- Spleen
- Kidney 

Yang deficiency in Heart meridian :-
- Palpitation 
- Insomnia 
- Chest pain.

Yang deficiency in Spleen meridian:-
- lack of appetite. 
- loose stools.
- Edema or swelling. 
- Fatigue. 

Yang deficiency in Kidney meridian:-
- cold limbs.
- Excessive bed wetting.
- constant lower back pain.
- Frequent night Urination. 
- Infertility. 

Health tips: 
- Soaking feet in warm water with ginger. Especially in the night.
- Massage acupoint GV 20.
- Eat dark green leafy vegetables. 
- Exercise 10-15 minutes daily. 

Qi Deficiency.

 All organ can be affected by Qi deficiency but some organs which affected more are:-





Some Common causes of Qi deficiency:-

- Chronic stress.

- Sleep deprivation.

- prolong cough.

- Lack of physical activities.

Qi def. in lung:-


- weak voice.

- Shortness of Breath

- Easy to catch cold and flu.

Qi def. in spleen and stomach:-

- Weak digestive system.

- Low metabolism rate.

- Increasing weight.


- Loss of appetite.

- Fatigue

- Not refreshed after sleep.

Qi def. in kidney:-


- Hair loss.

- Lower backpain.

Health tips:-

Avoid more oily food.

Avoid very sweet food like cake, pastries etc.

Avoid too salty food.

Exercise 10-15 min daily allows the Qi and blood to circulate and boost around the body.

Give pressure to Acupoint st36. This point helps to improve digestive tract and improve the Qi level in the body.

एक्युप्रेशर बिन्दु पर दबाव देने का तरीका।

 This article is by Dr. Ravi Ram Prajapati (MBBA): दबाव देने का तरीका:- हाथ- पाँव के हथेली एवं तलवों के बिन्दुओ पर हल्का दबाव देना चाहिए। अं...